The “Co.Co.Tour” project will be holding its 3rd Consortium Meeting on 31st July 2019 in Municipality of Herceg Novi, Montenegro.
During the 3rd Consortium Meeting of Partners, project progress will be discussed and in particular attention will be paid to the following topics: first, management issues and implementation of the communication work package. This will be covered by the Albanian Development Fund as work package responsible. Second issue on the meeting agenda is the development of cross border ecomuseum model for enhancing cultural and touristic potential of coastal communities will be presented by the Local Democracy Agency in Montenegro as work package responsible. This will be followed by a presentation on the development of diversified, accessible and smart products based on a “Community tourism strategy”. Magna Grecia Mare as project partner and work package responsible will cover this in the framework of WPT2. Fourth topic on the agenda is the discussion regarding the action plan for renovation, physical accessibility and preparation of the ecomuseum spaces, which will be presented by Himara Municipality as project partner and work package responsible. Finally, representatives of Municipality of Herceg Novi will also present some key insights regarding their local coastal community and municipality work in this direction.
The rest of the day will be dedicated to evaluation of project activities for 3rd period and action and work plan for the 4th activity, confirming the full commitment and engagement of project partners in reaching planned deliverables.
The “Co.Co.Tour” project aims to guarantee a smart, inclusive and sustainable growth of the coastal communities in the target areas. Safeguarding, enhancing and promoting the natural and cultural heritage of Coastal COmmunities by boosting the eco – museum model aiming at smart and sustainable TOURism management.
The project is co – financed by the European Union under the Instrument for Pre –Accession Assistance (IPA III), Interreg IPA Cross Border Cooperation Italy – Albania – Montenegro