
29 November 2019
“Co.Co.Tour” Infrastructural adaptation for accessibility and Ecomuseum Access Point in Tricase

Infrastructural and accessibility in Tricase Porto, Italy (A.T.3.1)


The works of restoration and consolidation of the ancient cistern in the Tricase Porto old dock, redesigning St. Nicholas’ Square, are in progress.

The activity is part of the CO.CO.TOUR project - Safeguard, enhancing and promoting the natural and cultural heritage of COastal COmmunities by boosting the eco-museum model aiming at smart and sustainable TOURism management and it is aimed at the restoring/consolidation, physical accessibility and setting up of the ecomuseum spaces. This is done in framework of work package 3: Renovation, physical accessibility and preparation of the ecomuseum spaces.

In particular, the aim is to rediscover and recover a space of historical memory by creating a direct and accessible access point to the Port Museum. A new way to increase community awareness of the value of the port and increase useful services for the better touristic appeal of the area. The works, authorized by the Soprintendenza di Lecce, are directed by Engineer Vito Ferramosca and should be concluded in March 2020. The objective of the structural measures is to promote the attractiveness of natural and cultural assets to improve a more sustainable and smart economic development.

The "Co.Co.Tour" project aims at securing a smart, inclusive and sustainable growth of the coastal communities in the target areas through the development of a cross border eco-museum model and a common strategy focused on community tourism.

The project is co – financed by the European Union under the Instrument for Pre –Accession Assistance (IPA III), Interreg IPA Cross Border Cooperation Italy – Albania – Montenegro.