“Co.Co.Tour” Richness of Community analyses inputs collected in Herceg Novi
“Ke nova?” (“What’s new?”) they would ask in city of Herceg Novi their fellow citizen, in the default slang manner of their coastal region.
The Local Democracy Agency team members, based on the impressions from yesterday in Herceg Novi, could, in response to this question, give answer through the rich impressions that reflect the aroma of the this region, its “originals”, as well as the paths of the Ivo Andric (1892- 1975) the Nobel Prize winner for the literature.
In accordance with the objectives of the Co.Co.Tour Project, Local Democracy Agency and project partner - Municipality of Herceg Novi representatives had a productive meetings and discussions for the purpose of forming an eco and community museum in the physical surroundings of the house of Ivo Andric.
In order to broaden the territorial analysis that the Co.Co.Tour project and creation of the functional concept of the community museum foresees, we had valuable encounters to understand Andric's personality and traces he left in Herceg Novi.
Bosiljka Pusic and Vojo Stanic, Andric's contemporaries and people with whom he spent time together, gave us the magic of storytelling and somewhat flicker of Ivo's personality, which resonated with patience and wisdom, while conversations with the NGO Ruke Herceg Novi, Online magazine "Suncev Zrak "- The world in our own eyes, NGO" New Chance in New ", Youth Cultural Center Herceg Novi, Radio Jadran depicted Herceg Novi in the present time, which among its numerous stairs, castles and greenery hides gems of crafts, creativity and local activism that can contribute to the development community museum.
The project is co-financed by the European Union under the Instrument for Pre –Accession Assistance (IPA III), Interreg IPA Cross Border Cooperation Italy – Albania – Montenegro.