Panoramed Project

15 October 2019
Panoramed Project - Mainstreaming Working Group meeting

In the framework of the Panoramed Governance platform, the “Co.Co.Tour” was chosen as the
suitable project that can be used to transfer the sustainable tourism development model to the
wider Mediterranean area.
Albanian Development Fund representatives presented to all participants on the main outputs of
our project and how they serve as a best practice for other future projects. 
The overall objectives of this experimentation process are: Provide inputs in terms of sustainable
tourism for Mediterranean hinterland areas located in the programme areas and provide thematic
inputs to potential applicants to the IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro programme calls for projects
focused on sustainable tourism development, innovation and SMEs. 

This project is co-financed by the European Union under the Instrument for Pre –Accession
Assistance (IPA III), Interreg IPA Cross Border Cooperation Italy – Albania – Montenegro.