During this week, Albanian Development Fund (LP1) staff in close collaboration with Himara Municipality staff (PP2) are working on the detailed analysis of accessibility in Himara area, where the eco museum will be established. In the framework of the activity A.T 1.2 of the “Co.Co.Tour” project, a training/know-how exchange session on community tourism, accessibility and eco-museum management is planned to be organized with local stakeholders in Himara. Training and know-how exchange are a way to empower stakeholders on eco-museum progress, community tourism and accessibility standards and behaviors. Drawing from the expert request, LP1 and PP2 are collaborating to fill in the questionnaires in Himara region by paying attention to include diverse categories of stakeholders. The aim is to gather useful information from all the operators of local tourism systems and to promote the accessibility process for all. This is done by adhering to the conceptualization of all types of accessibility as set out within the “Co.Co.Tour” project.
One of the main objectives is to explain to local stakeholders the different types of disabilities and accessibility and data collection:
Disabilities: 1) physical disability – 2) intellectual disability – 3) sensory disability – 4) other disabilities – 5) temporary disabilities.
Accessibility: 1) Physical accessibility (vertical accessibility & horizontal accessibility) - 2) accessibility of information -3) accessibility of transport -4) economic accessibility and 5) psycho-social accessibility.
The "Co.Co.Tour" project aims at securing a smart, inclusive and sustainable growth of the coastal communities in the target areas through the development of a cross border eco-museum model and a common strategy focused on community tourism.
The project is co-financed by the European Union under the Instrument for Pre –Accession Assistance (IPA III), Interreg IPA Cross Border Cooperation Italy – Albania – Montenegro.